Sunday, January 13, 2008

Pepper (still sleeping)

It would seem all Pepper does is sleep. This time under the table on the top deck at the back of our place.

Shop door

In Fortitude Valley there is a large smorgasbord restaurant just near the Jubilee Hotel called Genghis Khan's Smorgasboard. On the side street (Symes Street) off St Paul Terrace. The tacky, run-down door and canopy begged to be photographed.

Ninja turtle

My roommate Kate has Ninja Turtle Michelangelo on her dash. She tells me this is to keep the dash up.

We're just pulling out of a park near the corner of Elizabeth and Edward Streets in Brisbane's CBD.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Please return my gate

Walking the long way home from work one day with Stephen we came up Ferry Street in West End from along the river edge and crossed Montague to go up Drake and onto Ganges Street which becomes Dornoch.

As we were walking up Drake Stephen pointed out a ramshackle gate of mismatched fence palings all painted in weird, bright colours. Just past it, on the same property, there was this sign and an obviously missing gate.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Pepper (sleeping)

This is my sister and my kitten, Pepper. She's crazy! Her mother's name was Turbo, which accounts for most of her insanity. She runs around all over the house; up the stairs, round the corner and into the lounge room. Bounds up to the arm of the couch, along the top of the couch and jumps across to the other couch, onto the window sill.

A quick surveillance of the yard down the side of the house then it's back on the rounds. Onto the balcony, then back through the hall way and down the stairs into the lower level to check out what other things to cause a little mayhem over.

But this does wear her out. And so she must rejuvenate. She sleeps.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

String of lights

Such a simple thing is a string of coloured lights, yet they can totally change the mood. This was a string of coloured shades over fairy lights strung up underneath a typical Queenslander house.

Emily turning 24

Say hello to my friend Emily. We have known each other for quite some time. We went to high school together. She's one of my favorite people in the entire world.

One time I saw her attempt to fly. She was atop a bench seat, and she was attempting to convince us all she could fly. She leaped from the seat and she sprained her ankle.

She was about to turn 24 when I took this polaroid.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Stars in the pavement

It is amazing how much people don't see around them. Take for example this star shape that has been worked into the pavers out the front of Capital Hill on the corner of Mary and George Streets, Brisbane. I noticed them wandering around the city one day. Ask anyone from Brisbane if they've seen them, the chances are they haven't.

But why are there stars in the pavement? I am still not sure. Someone told me they thought it was something that was part of an initiative during the Bjelke-Peterson administration. Anyone know anything about these mysterious stars?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Shannon (at work)

This is Shannon. He's a good friend of mine. When he is not wearing smart vests at his job at Jay Jays on the Queen Street Mall, he's the Visual Editor of FourThousand. He can also play viola!

Scarf discard

I walk to work every day from West End to the CBD. And almost always the same route. Nothing much interesting ever really happens outside of the music on my iPod. But this day, as I was walking in I noticed random items of wet clothing laying on the footpath on the Victoria Bridge.

A lady walking about 10 or 15 metres in front of me bent down and picked up a black cardigan and hung it on the railing. As she kept on her way, she also bent down and picked up this green scarf that was also lying on the footpath. She looped it around the hand rail and kept walking.

And what a great subject for a Polaroid.